How to Help

How to Help

You’ve likely already seen a glimpse into the heart and soul of what makes such a unique and intimate place.

Now, you may be wondering, “How can I help?”

The very essence of this space is wrapped in a fuzzy warm blanket of collaboration, connection, and collective healing. Your presence alone fills this space with warmth.

However, if you’re eager to help and contribute, here are some meaningful ways you can join hands with me and further our mission.

1. Share articles that resonate with you

Every line of code I write, every article I craft is contains a drop of my distilled soul. Creation is my form of art, healing, and a bridge to a brighter, more empathetic world.

If an article resonates with you, touches your heart, or sparks a thought, I have an invitation for you.

Spread the word: Whether it’s through your social media channels, an intimate chat with a friend, or an email to a colleague that you think might benefit from it — every share amplifies the message and our collective healing.

2. Send me any interesting datasets you come across

While I’m spiritually minded and emotionally sensitive, I also hold a PhD in computer science.

I strive to balance my deep empathy for others with a passion for uncovering patterns in our universe through data and analytical thinking.

Every dataset, particularly in the intersection of AI and natural disasters, tells a unique story about our natural world.

Pass it on: If you stumble upon a dataset or piece of information related to natural disasters, send it to me. Your insights could be the missing puzzle piece that propels the next breakthrough in natural disaster research. Together, we can craft a narrative that makes a difference.

3. Help build bridges by connecting me with other researchers and professionals

I’m a strong believer that solutions to complex problems are often found at the intersection of disparate, contrasting fields of research.

As much as I love the digital realm of AI, I recognize the invaluable wisdom non-computer scientists bring to the table, especially given the many years they spend in the field, learning, researching, and refining their craft.

If you are, or are connected to any:

  • Meteorologists
  • Environmentalists
  • Geologists
  • Seismologists
  • Hydrologists
  • Volcanologists
  • Climatologists
  • Emergency management professionals
  • Urban planners

…or any other experts in the realm of natural disaster research and preparedness, please introduce me to them.

Connections build bridges: The expertise of you and your colleagues, along with your stories and unique lens of insight can further enrich this platform in unimaginable, emergent ways. You can use my contact form to send me a message and make an introduction.

Header photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash