Hi there, my name is Adrian Rosebrock.
Most people know me as a PhD in computer science who specializes in artificial intelligence.
But I’m more than that.
I’m a storyteller. Telling stories, particularly in the written form, is my version of art. It’s how I make sense of this world, and share my version of reality with others. Effectively, my art allows me to exist in a world I wouldn’t otherwise know how to exist in.
I’m a healer. Helping others, particularly those close to me, makes my heart swell and gives me purpose. Healing is an act of love.
Most importnatly, I’m a dreamer. I envision a world where one day our unique skills can not only heal ourselves, but heal each other.
That’s what NaturalDisasters.ai is to me – a place where every line of code I write, every story I tell, bridges the gap between what is and what could be.
Coding saved my life

I started writing code when I was 13 years old.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that coding saved my life.
You see, I grew up in a broken household.
My mom was extremely mentally ill. Her disease wasn’t her fault, she couldn’t control it.
My father had anger problems — namely from his own traumatic past, his own inner demons, his own unmet desires and dreams in life.
The two went together like a match and gasoline. Instant combustion.
There were many nights of screaming fights between my parents, broken dishes over the dinner table, and more domestic violence than I care to admit.
The only way I got through those years at home was to lock myself in the basement with my dog, lights off, headphones on, coding up some project I envisioned in my head earlier that day in school.
The flow state that coding created put me in a meditative trance.
I was able to block out the rest of the world.
Just me, my dog, and my laptop.
Nothing else had to matter, nothing else could get inside my bubble.
I’m forever grateful to my craft, because without it, I wouldn’t be here today.
Starting, running, and exiting PyImageSearch
PyImageSearch.com homepage before September 2021 acquisition.
I started PyImageSearch in January 2014, and ran it for eight years before it was acquired in September 2021.
Over those eight years, PyImageSearch became arguably the largest computer vision and deep learning education website online.
Along the way I authored 9 books, 2 courses, and 500+ tutorials that helped other developers, students, and researchers master computer vision.
I had an amazing team supporting me – I couldn’t have done it without them.
When I reflected on my eight years with the business, I realized that PyImageSearch became the space where I nourished my inner craftsman and teacher, thriving in the act of creation and the joy of sharing my knowledge with others.
Post-acquisition, I stood at a crossroads, reflecting on my past achievements and seeking new purpose.
Over the past two years I tried a number of different projects, a small sample of which includes:
- A podcast to help other tech bloggers grow and monetize their online education businesses
- An AI-based SaaS application that analyzes a codebase and then automatically builds high-quality technical documentation without human intervention
- An AI consulting company that specifically helps non-technical businesses learn how to apply AI to their operations, leading to higher efficiency and larger profits
Nearly all the ideas I vetted had some level of traction, indicating there was a business to be built.
But each time, I just couldn’t get excited about it – the magic just wasn’t there for me.
After a couple months of deep introspection, I realized that I was going about finding my next “thing” in the wrong way:
I had been overly focused on making more money, despite not needing more of it.
What if I instead focused on the feeling that emerged when engaging with my beloved craft?
What if I woke up excited every day to be working on my project, regardless if it ever made me a dollar?
What if just existing in that blissful state was enough?
What would happen then?
The birth of NaturalDisasters.ai
Devastaing flooding of Ellicott City, MD, where I lived during college (image source)
As a kid, I was obsessed with books and films about natural disasters.
Films like Twister and Jurassic Park were more than entertainment – they were gateways into understanding nature’s incredible power.
Despite having a PhD in AI, I realized that I never tried to explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and natural disasters.
What captivates us as kids also has the ability to enthrall us as adults, charming us with a potent combination of childhood nostalgia with the depth and complexity of our matured perspectives.
A journey of healing
First and foremost, NaturalDisasters.ai is my sacred healing space. I invite you to treat it as such.
Take your shoes off before you enter.
Light an incense stick.
Close your eyes.
Draw your awareness inwards, and just feel the energy that lives here.
Part tech diary, part spiritual introspection, this space reflects my desire to navigate the scars and lessons learned from a lifetime of hard fought battles.
Mission and vision
NaturalDisasters.ai is driven by the goal to leverage AI’s capabilities to better understand, predict, and aid in the aftermath of natural disasters.
It’s more than just code and research – it’s about weaving a narrative of hope, resilience, and the age-old human spirit’s tenacity to unite and rebuild amidst crushing adversity.
An open invitation
Never in history have we felt so alone, despite having access to more tech claiming to bring us together.
My life experience has shown me that the true essence of humanity shines brightest when we’re open, honest, and vulnerable.
While our paths may differ, the core of our spirit seeks the same truths: understanding, empathy, and connection.
Stay with me for a moment, or a lifetime, and let’s honor these truths together:
- Be open - To the world around you, to the stories of others, to the emotions that emerge from the depths
- Be honest - Ask yourself for the clarity to unlock the cosmic truth that’s been woven into your being, the voice to name it, and the courage to share this beautiful gift with others.
- Be vulnerable - It’s the bridge to deeper, meaningful connections, understanding, and love.
Our journey on this earth isn’t defined by the miles we travel, but rather the quality and depth of the bonds we form, and the inner landscapes we co-create with others.
I’m here, leading with an open heart, inviting you to co-create this journey with me.
The divine in me honors the divine in you.
—Adrian Rosebrock